What is Celebrate Recovery?
Christ-Centered Celebrate Recovery is a ministry displaying the healing power of Jesus in our lives. We ask Christ to heal us from our various “hurts, habits, and hang-ups”. This may include chemical addiction, anxiety, depression, past emotional, physical or sexual abuse, and anger issues. Eight biblically-based principles, twelve steps to recovery, personal testimonies, and sharing our experience in small groups are all part of the healing process.
By working the Christ-centered steps and applying the biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy, and more importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others. We are all recovering from something.
At Celebrate Recovery we have simply decided to be honest about it and let God begin to heal our hurts and free us from habits and hang-ups. As we progress through the principles and the steps, we discover our personal, loving, and forgiving “higher power,” Jesus Christ.
You often use food, drugs, alcohol, sex, work, or relationships to numb your feelings or provide an escape from pain in your life.
You have hurts, habits, and hang-ups that keep you discouraged and depressed.
You have been part of a 12-step recovery program and found that something was missing.
You keep repeating specific behaviors, hoping for a change but only end up defeated.
You have repetitive sin that keeps you distanced form God and the way He has laid out for us to live.
You try to please others at any cost to yourself.
You are looking to move to the next level of your recovery.
You identify Jesus Christ as your “high power”.
Each Friday we provide teachings, small groups, and journaling that go along with the lesson that parents/guardians are working on in CR. We utilize the Celebration Place and The Landing curriculum.
Movie nights one Friday a month!
If you are interested in bringing your child with you to attend CR Kids Ministry, you may use the link below to pre-register your child/ren or walk in and register on Friday.