At Grace Community Fellowship, we envision being a powerful bridge of hope and healing, spanning the chasm of brokenness within individuals, families, and our community. Inspired by God’s Word, we believe in the power of transformation through Christ, offering a welcoming environment where all can find healing and restoration. Just as a bridge connects two separate places, we aspire to bridge the gap between the unchurched and Jesus, reaching out with love and compassion to influence lives.
I’m inviting you to join our BRIDGES Campaign, which is a part of our vision to reach the community. The church is thriving with numerical growth, and lives are being transformed by the gospel. Following the Great Commission, we are driven to reach the unchurched with the message of God’s love.
Our heart is to be a BRIDGE of hope for those who have yet to encounter the life-changing grace of Jesus. Through intentional relationships, genuine care, and compassionate outreach ministries, we seek to love people where they’re at and help them follow Jesus. We desire to create a church environment where the unchurched feel valued, loved, and accepted, allowing them to experience real spiritual transformation through Christ and our church family.
What is required now is a “Great Commitment” to the vision God has given to us. The church started in 1980 with the desire to make a spiritual impact in our community. Just like the founders of the church, we have the same passionate focus. We aim to BRIDGE the gap of brokenness, providing practical assistance, resources, friendships, and hope to those who are hopeless. We believe that by shining the light of Christ’s love, we can be the BRIDGE for others to find Jesus.
The BRIDGES Campaign will launch us into a new season of ministry so that we can accomplish God’s vision. By expanding our facilities, we will be equipped to deepen relationships, provide meaningful space for discipleship, and enable people to be the BRIDGE to their sphere of influence. Our facilities are too small to accommodate our growing youth ministry, men’s and women’s ministries, and Celebrate Recovery. By adding a large teaching room on the second floor and additional classrooms on the first floor, we are making space for new people. By developing our backyard, we are creating outdoor opportunities for our ministries and community partnerships.
I’m so thankful for our church family, and I love being your pastor.
Steve Hill, Senior Pastor